Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 3- Infection

February 23rd, 2012 [Infection]
It's 2:40 am. Earlier I ended up packing only the essentials. My laptop and charger to keep you guys updated on the situation. My tooth paste and toothbrush. I packed some clothes and grabbed all the jackets I could find in the house, in case I had to sleep outside. I grabbed my sneakers as well because these boots would just drag me down if I had to run from some of the people from the riots. Once I had gathered all that I needed I walked out the front door. I made sure to not look back in case I changed my mind because I knew this wasn't a smart idea. I walked back down the street to find that women's corpse gone. I saw a blood trail leading from where she was laying to the back of the nearest house. Instantly fear took over me and I threw all my stuff onto the passenger seat and started the car. I peeled out from stomping on the gas pedal so hard. Once I had gotten out of my neighborhood I took a right onto canyon road. I didn't bother using my signals because I had bigger things to worry about. I didn't see any traffic so the drive was an easy one, I couldn't help but think about what had happened to that women's body. I then took a left onto Highland Highway, little did I know was that this right turn was gonna be my first taste of the bitter Hell the world has turned into. I was driving on the highway for no more a few minutes when I started to hear screams from the distance. At first they were quiet but after a few more minutes passed by it grew louder and I could hear even more screams. I was passing the local grocery store where I worked called Kholars, It looked like something I would have dreamed in a night terror. People were killing and eating each other like I had seen on the news yesterday. people being dragged out of their cars and ripped to shreds by the what seemed insane people. I even saw a little girl eating the remains of a stray dog. I stomped on my gas pedal and got the hell out of there, flying down the road at 85 mph. The fear of what I had just witness began to make me sick. Unfortunately,  I didn't have the luxury of feeling sick, so I sucked it up and continued on. I turned on the radio to calm my nerves and what I heard sent chills down my spine. It was a broadcast. It was saying that the there was a virus going around causing people to grow violent and cannibalistic, It also stated to stay away and not come in contact with the infected. It was also warning me to stay inside and board up the windows and doors. It sounded like the military had put it up on the radio to warn us.  Things just got worse from here, cars were run off the road and in some cases on fire. There were corpses laying around on the sides of the road with the infected feasting on some.  I eventually came across a sheriffs car upside down on the side of the road. I decided to pull over on the other side of the road and take a look inside to find something to protect myself. I opened my door and took a look at my surroundings. There was one that was about 400 feet away up the street. I walked around the car to see if there was anything hiding behind it or in it. Nothing was there. I opened the car door and looked inside. I found a Glock 9mm Pistol in the back as well as a bullet proof vest. I grabbed both and began to work my way back to the car when I saw that the infected that was up the street now much closer then before. It was a man in his late 20's. I armed myself with the pistol I had found and checked to see if it was loaded, thankfully it was. I began to run back to my car hoping that he wouldn't see me. I didn't even make it halfway across the street when I heard an inhuman screech come from him. I looked over to where he was, he was sprinting at full speed towards me. I raised my gun and shouted "stay back or I'll shoot!" It didn't even phase him. he was within 30 feet and not stopping. I shot several rounds. He fell to the ground without a sound. I had killed him. I walked back to my car and sat in the drivers seat, tossed the vest and gun in the back and thought about what I had done. I was in shock, I had actually killed someone, they could have ad a family. I started the car and continued on. It began getting dark so I decided to take a dirt road that  took me far out of sight of the highway so I could rest. There was no way I was gonna travel to Salt Lake City at night, I needed the as much light as possible so that I can see farther ahead. I continued down that road till I found a nice grove of trees that gave my car cover so I could get some rest for tomorrow. I set my alarm on my phone so that tomorrow I could get up and be ready to get back on the road.

I killed a man today. I feel horrible about it but I had to do what I had to do to survive. I need to find my family and get to safety. That sick feeling I had earlier is starting to come back. I organized the food and supplies I had and determined that I have enough food for a few weeks. I'm gonna get some rest.

I'll keep you guys updated

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