Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 2- Preparation

February, 22 2012 [Preparation]
It's 10:00 and still no sign of my family, I can finally  see clearly down the street out of my window. I can still see the women on the ground down the street, it's difficult to see but I don't see the two men. This isn't a good sign. I'm gonna go outside to see if I can find any clues on what happened last night. I grabbed my jacket and threw my boots on because it had snowed the other night.  As I walked down stairs and unbolted the front door, I began to ponder what could have happened playing out diffrent scenerios in my head. I opened my door to see if the coast was clear, no sign of anyone. I walked out and made sure to leave the front door unlocked for when I returned. I started walking down the street to the woman's car, but as I was walking I noticed a lot of my neighbors front doors were open, and a few of their cars missing. I'm assuming most of them had packed through out the day yesterday and left, I wonder why though? Did I miss something? finally I was at her car and what I saw will be burned into my mind for years to come. Blood was everywhere, It smelled terrible. There she was on the ground her organs exposed as though someone had ripped her open and gnawed on her ribs. I had never seen such a disturbing sight as this.  I puked.  I looked in her car and saw keys in the ignition as well as blood on the driver and passenger seat and blood sprayed all over the drivers dash and steering wheel. The gas tank was 3/4 full. In the back I could see a bunch of food and other supplies and a tent with 2 sleeping bags. It seems she was on her way out of town too. I grabbed one of the sleeping bags and unraveled it. I unzipped it and laid it down on her, covering her. As I was standing there I began to to think about the situation at hand.  It's been 16 hours since my family said they would be back. I'm gonna search for them. I went home and filled a bucket with hot soapy water and a bottle of Clorox. I traveled back to the car and cleaned off all the blood. Once I had cleaned it I headed back to home and grabbed my notebook. I flipped it to an empty page and wrote "I'm out searching for you guys, I'll be back tomorrow around 12:00 pm." I then went upstairs and began to pack my things.

I'll be heading to Salt Lake to find them, If they weren't they would have been home by now.  I'll be packing my laptop and keeping you guys updated on what happens. I hope they are alright. I'm still struggling wither this is reality or a nightmare.

I'll keep you updated

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